Uses the python script automator action
This was something also wanted here.
The automator action starts with a Get Selected Finder Items action, then has a Run Python Script action with the following code.
import os
from CoreGraphics import *
def createPDFDocumentWithPath(path):
print path
return CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename(path))
def duplexPages(writeContext, oddfile, evenfile):
# open PDFDocuments for each of the files.
odd = createPDFDocumentWithPath( oddfile )
even = createPDFDocumentWithPath( evenfile )
# confirm that the number of pages is the same
maxPages = odd.getNumberOfPages()
if ( maxPages <> even.getNumberOfPages() ):
print "Documents do not have the same number of pages"
# Shuffle the pages
for pageNum in xrange(1, maxPages + 1):
# start at first odd page
page = odd.getPage(pageNum)
print 'Page', pageNum, 'from', oddfile
if page != None:
mediaBox = odd.getMediaBox(pageNum)
writeContext.drawPDFDocument(mediaBox, odd, pageNum)
# start at last even page
page = even.getPage(maxPages + 1 - pageNum)
print 'Page', maxPages + 1 - pageNum, 'from', evenfile
if page != None:
mediaBox = even.getMediaBox(maxPages + 1 - pageNum)
writeContext.drawPDFDocument(mediaBox, even, maxPages + 1 - pageNum)
def realFilesOnly( item ):
return item.find(".") <> 0
# from
def get_trash_path(input_file):
path, file = os.path.split(input_file)
if path.startswith("/Volumes/"):
# /Volumes/driveName/.Trashes/
s = path.split(os.path.sep)
# s[2] is drive name ([0] is empty, [1] is Volumes)
trash_path = os.path.join("/Volumes", s[2], ".Trashes", str(os.getuid()))
if not os.path.isdir(trash_path):
raise IOError("Volume appears to be a network drive (%s could not be found)" % (trash_path))
trash_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".Trash")
return trash_path
def main(input, *args, **kwargs):
dirname = os.path.dirname(input[0]) # extract folder to work in
# print dirname
files = input
# print files
# files = os.listdir( dirname )
# files = filter(realFilesOnly, files) # filter out special files
# print files # enable to see which files are selected
if ( len(files) == 2 ):
# files[0] = os.path.join(dirname,files[0]) # add path to files
# files[1] = os.path.join(dirname,files[1])
# odd file is assumed to be the earlier one
if ( os.path.getctime(files[1]) > os.path.getctime(files[0]) ):
odd = files[0]
even = files[1]
odd = files[1]
even = files[0]
print "Identified Odd: ", odd
print "Identified Even: ", even
outputFilename = os.path.join(dirname, "Combined.pdf")
print "Output to: ", outputFilename
pageRect = CGRectMake (0, 0, 612, 792)
writeContext = CGPDFContextCreateWithFilename(outputFilename, pageRect)
duplexPages(writeContext, odd, even)
# delete the original files
trashPath = get_trash_path( odd ) # find location of trash
os.rename( odd, os.path.join(trashPath,os.path.split(odd)[1]) )
os.rename( even, os.path.join(trashPath,os.path.split(even)[1]) )
print "Incorrect number of files"
return files
It can be saved as a Finder Plugin to appear on the context menu for Finder items.